There is just one life for each of us: Our Own

Monday, April 16, 2007

OMG seems like ages ago since I posted something here. I've been pretty busy these past few weeks with work and work and work?!

First, I have 3 days off: 2 days and 1 day split off. Not bad except that I can't do anything productive during those days because I'm so tired all I end up doing is sleep.

My boss has been missing in action for 2 or 3 days now because she had an operation on her brain. I felt bad about the times that my office mates and I talked about her. She is nice outside work but during work hours, I guess I'd rather not talk about her after all. I just hope her operation will be successful and she'll be back to her normal self. When I think about it, she might have been acting weird lately due to her illness...Hmmm...

Anyway, life's been great since I'm not seeing the guy. However, there's a new typhoon who just arrived yesterday. I don't even know his name. He simply made a subtle move at me after I called him to fix my phone and frozen PC (he's an IT, ok? I'm not requesting something impossible for him to do). He said -most of the time, the other guys (IT staff) would intentionally ruin the computers of the employees so that we'll need to consult them on a daily basis. I'm so furious at that time but I managed to utter a patient, "Really? That's just great. Why don't you completely ruin my computer so I don't have to work anymore?" It sounded like a joke to him but somehow I meant it. I was frustrated at calling the client again because of the disconnection I wasn't able to swallow the last sentence.

Thank goodness, he's preoccupied so he didn't notice. Anyway, I miss my virtual life so I sent a couple of messages to friends from previous job and college friends just so they'll know I'm still alive.

Hopefully they'll reply so I'll have something to read in my overly dramatic keep my mind off of insignificant things, or people.


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