There is just one life for each of us: Our Own

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Start the year right --with a new blog.

The life of every man is a diary in which he means to write one story, and writes another.
~James Matthew Barrie

This quote inspired me to start another blog. I had a blog 2 years ago and decided to delete it for stupid reasons. One is because I thought nothing in my life is worth writing about and second, one person managed to ruin my sanity which led to seeing myself click the Delete button against my will. Well, it will end here because, I am back.

Let's see...I have 24 hours of my life to write again because I'm a mess. Who the hell would file a LOA (Leave of Absence) with a hidden motive of resigning without a solid plan? Guess it's me and yes, I'm talking to myself again. With the stress for work, a misunderstanding with my supervisor, a close friend/officemate/"all-time coffee and yo" pal resigning and the company not fulfilling it's obligations to employees, I finally decided to leave as well. I've tried to take as much as I can with the work-related issues but my sore throat just decided to make its own decision. It came out of nowhere when I'm staying away from its causes. It continued its successful progression for over a month and I just heard a TiNg! inside my head. In short, it's my cue.

It feels great to be free from everything like I have all the time in the world. I can clean my drawer, which is always in chaos. I have time to water my plants, which are starting to dry up. (By the way, they came from my Mom who insisted on it although I told her I don't have time for them.) I can eat ice cream, chocolate, brownies and many other sweets that I deprived myself of for a long time. I can watch TV, sleep late and not care about not hearing my alarm clock in the morning because I didn't set any time for it. Sleeping is really the best part of it, trust me.

I'm definitely looking forward to a new job...and all the events that are going to happen in between. That's the fun part I wouldn't want to miss.

If the in-betweens are not too embarassing, I might decide to post them here...Just so when I look back, I can laugh at them too.