There is just one life for each of us: Our Own

Monday, April 30, 2007

Reincarnation or just my imagination?

When I was in high school, I was a firm believer of reincarnation or the so-called rebirth. However, I stopped believing some time in college for an unknown reason. Maybe it's the same as kids growing up and realizing that there's no such thing as Santa Claus or tooth fairy.

One Thursday morning, I sat with someone whom I had too much in common with in my first day of college. It was a first for me so I concluded, "Hey, maybe it's true then." Later on, I wrote an article about this for another friend and after much research, believed in having our own control over our lives.

Yesterday, I sat with this ex-crush/office mate of mine. I can't believe that after more than 2 months of knowing him, I knew little about the "real" him. He's a good conversationalist: he knows when to listen to my neverending stories and when to share his own story modestly. He had some work experiences that he can consider as something to be proud of but he sounded very shy when he's talking about it. He knew when to tell a joke or when to laugh uncontrollably at my silly jokes. He also knew when to be honest and serious when I don't feel like laughing at another joke. (Maybe he knew how to tickle people's funny bones because he had a lot of experience in Marketing?) It's just weird that he knew all those stuff when none of my other office mates do. By the way, this guy is the same guy who wears a ring on his finger, the one whose perfume I smelled 5 meters away in the MRT-scene and the same person who got my attention on my first day at work.

Just to clarify, I'm not into married men. I'm puzzled as it is about his being familiar to me, so I'm not interested in anything other than finding out the truth.

The common thing about the 2 incidents: I realized that something is different when our eyes met. (too dramatic-when we had eye contact? same thing.)

Honestly, I don't believe in something unless I have proven it. The thing is, I don't have any proof. It's just conversation that made me realize its meaning.

Too bad, I won't be able to investigate and observe further. Yesterday was my last day with my team for April. I'll be joining a different team in May. I'll really miss all of them but I guess life has a way of leading you to something else so you'll have a clearer picture of yourself and what you need to do with your life.

It's only sad that I had to know about all this when it's almost too late..or maybe not. I just have to deal with the so-called move...

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

An Extraordinary Day

I was hesitant in going to work last night.

I don't know. I just felt out of my normal perky self. I was a bit down. Please don't ask me why because if I knew the answer to that, I wouldn't even write this today. Maybe it's because my friend and I will be separated from our team next month due to our preferred days off and partly because I miss my friends.

However, there are 2 events from today that will stay on my mind for years simply because they were unexpected:

1. I got out of the cab and I bumped into a certain someone that I had a crush on years ago. Talk about college crush. Well, the feelings certainly came out of nowhere and almost swallowed me whole. The only time I remember that happened was when he held my shoulders when our paths crossed on the street. Take note: he's with his friends at that time and I was walking with my friend after our window shopping/starbucks moment and he just shouted my nickname in the middle of the street like I'm lost. (Well, I sort of lost when he touched my shoulders!)

Well, today he touched my arm and he shouted my name again. Only this time it was my real name. I was stunned; more like frozen in place. It took a few minutes to recover and to recognize him. Then, he was the one who told me I was probably late. It seemed like he was about to tell me something but decided to keep it because I was in a hurry. Actually, my whole world stopped when I saw him.

I was waiting for that moment for weeks now. Why did it have to happen last night when I was running late for work???

2. I had a great talk with this woman over the phone. She was crabby at first. She kept complaining about my instructions on how she can connect to the internet. After a half hour, she began to tell me about her life. She's 64 years old and alone. I didn't bother asking her where her family is because I didn't want to sound like a nosy agent. I simply replied and commented on her stories about being a survivor of cancer and undergoing another operation some time in the near future. I was amazed at how strong she sounded over the phone. I never would have thought that she's sick or she's really fun to talk with. I even enjoyed it when she was telling me that her favorite past time is the internet and TiVo. If she happens to read this, well, I would like to tell her that she inspired me to make the most out of my life. A bow that reaches the ground would not suffice my respect and gratitude for meeting this kind of woman.

Monday, April 16, 2007

OMG seems like ages ago since I posted something here. I've been pretty busy these past few weeks with work and work and work?!

First, I have 3 days off: 2 days and 1 day split off. Not bad except that I can't do anything productive during those days because I'm so tired all I end up doing is sleep.

My boss has been missing in action for 2 or 3 days now because she had an operation on her brain. I felt bad about the times that my office mates and I talked about her. She is nice outside work but during work hours, I guess I'd rather not talk about her after all. I just hope her operation will be successful and she'll be back to her normal self. When I think about it, she might have been acting weird lately due to her illness...Hmmm...

Anyway, life's been great since I'm not seeing the guy. However, there's a new typhoon who just arrived yesterday. I don't even know his name. He simply made a subtle move at me after I called him to fix my phone and frozen PC (he's an IT, ok? I'm not requesting something impossible for him to do). He said -most of the time, the other guys (IT staff) would intentionally ruin the computers of the employees so that we'll need to consult them on a daily basis. I'm so furious at that time but I managed to utter a patient, "Really? That's just great. Why don't you completely ruin my computer so I don't have to work anymore?" It sounded like a joke to him but somehow I meant it. I was frustrated at calling the client again because of the disconnection I wasn't able to swallow the last sentence.

Thank goodness, he's preoccupied so he didn't notice. Anyway, I miss my virtual life so I sent a couple of messages to friends from previous job and college friends just so they'll know I'm still alive.

Hopefully they'll reply so I'll have something to read in my overly dramatic keep my mind off of insignificant things, or people.